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After agreeing on certain design requirements, we split up and created storyboards. We did this in order to showcase possible ideas for what our mobile application might do. At this point in the process, we still had a very unclear idea of what we were going to create. As a result, our storyboards were very diverse, with ideas including a feed, a forum, and a platform for logistical information that we didn’t end up using in our final design.

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Design Requirements

Following our research stage, our team created design requirements based on the insights we had gained through our interviews, personas, and user journey map. We wanted to be able to agree on a few core design requirements so that we would have a clearer idea of our application as we moved forward.


These key design requirements are:

  • Allow users to meet & interact with new people with common interests

  • Allows users to reflect upon and share their experiences moving to America with other people

  • Allow users to communicate with others and connect with them

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Information Architecture 

Our varied ideas in our storyboards led us to the realization that we needed to agree and commit to a single design idea. We decided to create an information architecture diagram to finalize the structure of our application and the pages we were going to include. After a lot of discussion, we decided to focus our app into two main features: connect, where people could meet other people through shared interests, and reflect, where people could review and look back on their past experiences. We collated these ideas into an information architecture diagram with the pages that we planned to include in our app.

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